
Showing posts from 2019

Start with Protein and Champion Wellness

In 2015 I was finally motivated to get in shape physically by having fun training for the TV show American Ninja Warrior (see  Ninja For Life  website for more there). Along the way I made many changes.   Today I find opportunities to help others reach their goals, so I volunteer part-time as a Wellness Champion for my employer. I speak with fellow colleagues that are making radical changes themselves and want to share what they have learned with others. For example one has been an athlete most of his life, and has found the benefits of going vegan. I was excited to hear he wanted to share these benefits with others, but talking with other colleagues I could tell many would not make immediate changes since they love eating meat and can't picture themselves giving up what they enjoy.   So I realize for many of us we need to start with small changes. Where do you get started?   I thought I knew everything about fitness already, so when I was offered fitness

Fly high

Birds fly in every direction   Don't let limiting beliefs from others stop you from flying in your direction   There are broke people spending all their money that are afraid you are saving and investing too high   There are uneducated people who think we can't learn topics like technology or money for ourselves and need to pay experts as the only way   There are obese people that don't want to think too much about the food that enters our bodies, and worry we'll injure ourselves practicing sports like ninja obstacles   Don't be afraid to fly   Fly high   Imagine Dragons - Birds (Animated Video)  

The 30 Second Commercial Challenge and 5 Memorable Things

This week's challenge was a good one! There is an upcoming local ninja obstacle competition this weekend, and my daughters are already thinking of their ninja name for when they make it big on TV.   I mentioned the importance of a good story to complement the videos of their training, and the idea of having a 30 second commercial with 5 memorable things came up.   So what are 5 memorable things about me?   Technology geek – I leverage business technology solutions as an IT project manager for a large healthcare organization.   Ninja Warrior saved my life – With multiple health issues including a collapsed lung, I finally improved my health 4 years ago after discovering the TV show. I enjoy training for obstacle events, races, and other sports.   Motivating my 2 kids – I have two daughters that are 7 and 9, and enjoy activities like biking and applying a growth mindset while we learn new things together.   FIRE set me free – I was overly frugal wit

A Personality Type Test That Doesn't Suck

For those of you that know me, you know that I despise wasting time online. I've done enough of my time in my earlier years as I picture all those many hours of TV and video games every day of my teenager years. Luckily what I'm sharing today is not a time-waster.   Since I know time is limited, I want to make the best of that time by pursuing things I enjoy. Through a recommendation, I finally took the personality type test that helps you determine what career may suit you best. Mine is architect INTJ-T . Wow this is accurate – determined, always thinking / learning new skills, and a bit too honest at times :-)    You can take the 10 minute test over at     I am looking forward to hear from everyone how theirs came out in our FaceBook group .

Chrometophobia and Destroying Limiting Beliefs

When I bring up my chrometophobia I usually get a typical reaction - chrometo-what? You're not alone, just read on. So what would you do if money were no object?   You are never going to achieve the same results when you live out of fear.   I've got into many passions over the years, but I didn't have the right mindset. I pursued initiatives in business such as going green - improving processes to reduce paper consumption, reduce costs and be more sustainable. Although I made some progress, I knew there were problems that were too big to attack head on by myself.   Then I decided to change my mindset. As a parent, I knew the schools were pushing for kids to have a growth mindset. But it wasn't until after visiting the Grand Canyon that I put my life in perspective while getting into books like Your Money or Your Life, Grit, and The Magic of Thinking Big that I knew what to do.   To succeed I had to eliminate fear. Chrometoph

DO Anything - Join Our Counter-Culture Movement

America is #1!   Okay if you're already familiar with my other sites, you see where this is going. The United States has the highest health costs versus any other country. We may not be the highest percentage population due to small island countries winning there, but we have the largest number with over 100 million obese people .   Then there is the other side – those that dedicate themselves to being in shape or being the best in a sport. You would think there would be more of us in between those two extremes.   Diet and exercise (Physical Wellness) is just one aspect of wellness, and until you find enough motivation you'll continue to slack. Once you are committed though, you'll do what it takes to master it. In my case after discovering my motivation of challenging myself by training for ninja warrior obstacle competitions, I found that mastery through a book recommendation from a fit friend. Bigger Leaner Stronger for men (Thinner Lea

Work for happiness not money

What would you do if money were no object? Work for happiness not money @DestroyObstacles Instagram - Facebook - YouTube DO!